“Mothers” Photo Project

Our Mission:

To bring awareness to struggles that women face and to uplift and inspire them through empowerment photography and related photography projects

The purpose of this project is two fold, and aligns with our mission as shown above.

As mothers, our lives and identities can easily be swept away by the very nature of our role as nurturers. Adversely, motherhood can also save or define us as human beings. Indeed, the journey of motherhood is rarely black or white, and every mother’s journey is as unique as the individual herself.

With the Mothers photo project, I offer a space for expression. A place where you can be and show whatever you choose to. This may look like highlighting how much you love being a mother, or it may look like you finally able to show who YOU are or maybe finding love for your body after motherhood.

This is a unique space, and is completely driven by you. I am here to guide you through as needed. My goal for this project is to give mothers this space for free expression, and to highlight the issues that mothers face, both without judgement.

The cost for the photo session is absolutely free, though donations are welcome and accepted. Participants understand and agree that photos will be shared publicly at my discretion, though a small gallery from the session will be shared with each client for their personal use. Participants are encouraged to share their story and how it inspired their photo session and this story can be shared alongside the photos on the Chasing Dreams Photography website.

If you want to participate in this ongoing photo project, follow the link below to get started!

If you have questions or want to speak with the photographer, please submit your inquiry below

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